Mwo arctic wolf
Mwo arctic wolf

mwo arctic wolf
mwo arctic wolf

Cole Harbour is the one I keep brining up but it's because it's the first time they drop a lot of heavies and assault mechs on you, but if you don't play the objective it's a lot easier to manage ( It's a city defense, but the AI will again prioritise you so you only need to step into the city to trigger the assault and then hang back with your squad and let them come to you one at a time ). You do need to get into the habit of ordering your AI into choke points ahead of you, because if you just play point man you're asking to take up all of the damage ( the Black Inferno guys absolutely prioritise the player over AI teammates ). The Thunderbolt 5S is inexpensive, relatively common on the market and can equip a PPC, LRM 20 and 3 ML ( you could spare 1.5 tonnes and equip MGs but I don't ) without heat issues so the AI will just keep shooting ( I've only had to replace a couple PPCs during the campaign ), while you can take a Firestarter, Hunchback 4P and use them as cover or a Black Knight, but obviously I have a predilection for laser vomit builds.


I've found the things that help get over that hump are pilot skills and there are mods to increase their XP gain, or mods that add more high skilled pilots to the available pool ( AI pilots with lower skills will hold you back as you progress through the campaign ), and equipping your AI pilots with solid boring dependable mechs. Not directly, that's primarily a mission scripting problem with the campaign, and now I'm playing a career mode game you simply don't run into the same issues. I've beaten the campaign before on a stick and am doing career mode on m/kb now, and dealing with these 200-300 tonnage missions again just loving sucks.


Is there a mod which addresses how absurdly overtuned the difficulty curve is for mid-tier missions? I'm getting ground to dust because I don't have the firepower to immediately evaporate mechs before accumulating too much attrition to make it through these endless gauntlets of enemies. Thank god for the HUD modsĪT LAST! A s how with no no no commercials ! I know is the answer but it's pretty weird how they had a perfectly fine and immersive HUD interface for MWO and then scrapped it and went with a completely plain HUD that looks like a placeholder in MW5. ZombyDog fucked around with this message at 07:33 on Jun 20, 2021 I'm just waiting for a nice Hud mod like Navida1's 3D hud. There's a mod to lower your Merc Rep gain, a mod to flatten out the faction rep malus for running lower Merc Rep missions. You can now finally wear the the dorky awesome neuro helmet and there are more Company Logos available. It's a multimod that I'm normally a bit leery of, but it speeds up projectile velocities, gives you more salvage per negotiation point and opens up the weapon slots so you can effectively mount medium weapons in small slots and larges in medium slots ( basically small weapon slots become medium and medium weapon slots become large ), adds more jobs per system, adds engine DHS to mechs that canonically come with DHS and some other minor tweaks. I've spent a quite few hours using the SynergiesMOD MW5 Custom Conversion and I quite like it. Mods are a happening, because I was an early adopter and went with the EGS version I can't tell you what's hot on the Steam Workshop, but I've been keeping an eye on Nexus. They're great for taking down VTOLs at a distance in my Centurion.Īlso enjoying that only the host needs the DLC. I can't stop laughing about PGI taking that dumb "LRM in the NARC slot" Raven gimmick and making it an entire weapon class. Avoid fighting in the city for as long as you can, I found that I had to get in and engage the last wave because they seemed to have gotten stuck. Ultimately I solved it by having everyone in a Thunderbolt ( PPC, LRM 15, 3x ML ), parking them in the big open area to the south east of the city you're supposed to be defending and just let the enemy ai march to you. The Cole Harbour mission stands out as a bit of a pain mid campaign - It certainly was a blocker on my first attempt of a play through. The campaign missions definitely a bit of a tonnage check and does require you to take advantage of both your and the enemy ai being dumb. I'd say start a new campaign, and the new Heroes missions are available for the campaign. Are the Heroes missions in the campaign, as well? I'm thinking about just starting a new campaign altogether. I got to a mission that was virtually impossible for me with what I had and the terrible lancemate AI and quit playing in frustration.

Mwo arctic wolf